About OneTimeSurvey
We try to make it as easy as possible to create a survey that is easy to use for everyone. Let us help you to get the best results.
OneTimeSurvey is an online service by CHJ Internet. CHJ Internet was founded in 2008 as a start-up in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
In 2014 CHJ Internet launched a free tool to build online surveys called EnquêteTools (Enquête is the Dutch word for survey). The tool requires no subscription, only a onetime payment per proejct of € 14,95 excl. VAT.
Since 2014 EnquêteTools had 50.000 accounts, over 800.000 surveys were created and a total of 9.000.000 questions were answered. This without any marketing budget.
With the launch of OneTimeSurvey the easy to use philosophy for a surveytool becomes available for users all over the world. Contact us at:
CHJ Internet
Beekstraat 6
3581 TR Utrecht
The Netherlands
CHJ Internet is registrated at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with registrationnumber 30244720.
E: Info@CHJInternet.com

CHJ Internet
Beekstraat 6
3581 TR Utrecht
The Netherlands